Das Sportler-Frühstück: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund

Which meal we start the day with can have an impact on the rest of the day and training. It is not easy to make general statements about the perfect breakfast, because the tasks that await us are also varied. But the fact is: After several hours of sleep, the body now needs energy and fluids in order to be able to continue to function properly.

If it doesn't get this, in the long run there can be a learning effect in the form of supercompensation: the body learns that it doesn't get the energy it needs in the morning and therefore reduces the total turnover of energy. So there is a lot to be said for a reasonable, sensible breakfast.

Athlete Breakfast Guidelines

But what constitutes a healthy, athlete-friendly first meal? First of all, it is important to eat breakfast consciously. Anyone who, due to time pressure or out of habit, only stops quickly at the bakery on the way to work or for training and buys what they feel like eating is very likely to eat less healthily. When we're hungry, we grab what we see and what looks good: chocolate croissants, cinnamon rolls, cheese sticks. However, all of these tasty bites have the disadvantage that they are full of short-chain carbohydrates and unhealthy trans fats.

Planning is important

What should also be considered: What should the breakfast prepare for? Is there a training session or a competition in the morning? Or will a long working day be tackled first? Were you able to sleep in and only have two hours until lunchtime?

If you have a "normal" working day without early, intensive exercise, you should make sure that breakfast is appropriate for your blood sugar level. If you only eat white bread with jam and a juice in the morning, you will feel hungry again by eleven o'clock at the latest. And the stronger the hunger, the sooner we let ourselves be carried away into another sweet sin.

The reason: After consuming simple sugars, such as those found in jam and chocolate spreads, the blood sugar level rises very quickly, only to then drop again very quickly. It's that rapid drop that worries the brain, making it afraid of low energy levels and crying out for more to be on the safe side. It is precisely these fluctuations in blood sugar levels that are considered to be the cause of diabetes and obesity.

Also interesting

Our breakfast under the magnifying glass

About 75% of Germans have breakfast and in Germany this can be very varied and sumptuous: muesli, bread, toast, spreads and cold cuts are usually available. But what is healthy or what makes sense for which situation? triathlon.de briefly presents the most important components of our breakfast:


It is considered to be the athlete's breakfast par excellence. The grain base (often oatmeal) provides enough long-lasting energy and a longer feeling of satiety. The milk brings proteins and vitamins. And nuts, seeds, kernels and dried or fresh fruit ensure the supply of important fats, minerals and vitamins. But beware of sweet ready-made mixes from the supermarket: the delicious chocolate and crunchy mixes in particular contain a lot of simple sugar and cause the blood sugar level to rise rapidly. Since muesli is comparatively heavy in the stomach due to the long "digestion time", it is not suitable as the last meal before a competition or an intensive unit.

Wholemeal bread with cheese or sausage

Like muesli, dark wholemeal bread contains long-chain carbohydrates and lots of dietary fiber and vitamins. Cheese and sausage as a topping provide proteins, but many variants also contain preservatives and bad fats. As with muesli, whole grain bread is perfect for keeping blood sugar levels in check and keeping you full for a long time, but is less suitable as a pre-competition meal.

White bread or toast with a sweet spread

White bread has very little fiber and is made up of "empty", short-chain carbohydrates. It is usually eaten with jam, nut nougat cream or honey. With this, another charge of short-lasting energy is consumed. The nutritional value of a jam toast isn't particularly high and the energy doesn't last long. However, this is exactly what makes this breakfast variant a good "hangman's meal" before an intensive workout, since the energy is available quickly and the bread is not so heavy in the stomach.

English breakfast

Many Germans resent the idea of ​​eating beans or sausages tomorrow. There are also tons of eggs in different variants and bacon. This breakfast is high in fat and protein and has few other ingredients you need other than the energy in the beans. Eggs provide high-quality proteins, but unfortunately this positive effect fades into the background when combined with bacon and salt. A porridge made from oatmeal and milk, on the other hand, offers a good basis, similar to muesli. However, the flakes and the milk lose a lot of their good ingredients when heated.

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