We help you to sustainably improve your training quality: based on sports science, structured and individually tailored to you. Discover the different options for you and take your performance to a new level now.

To swim
To go biking
swimming seminars
Here you lay the foundation for a sustainably better crawl technique and more efficient movement in the water. Since the requirements and needs are very different, especially when swimming, we set different priorities in our swimming seminars.
training camp
Our triathlon camps offer you exactly the training that will get you ahead - swimming, cycling, running for every ability level! Experience professional support and benefit from the unique training camp atmosphere.
Bike fitting
Simply better cycling! It doesn't matter whether it's a racing bike, gravel bike or time trial machine: the correct seating position is the decisive basis for pain-free riding and optimal performance on the bike. The added value is directly expressed in improved power transmission, more speed or more riding comfort. Our experts will help you to develop your potential on the bike.
Performance diagnostics wheel
Determine training areas, train specifically! With the help of performance diagnostics, your individual training areas can be precisely determined in order to derive the most effective training units from them. Spiroergometry is the gold standard in sports science and is equally suitable for every level of performance: individual results and reliable training control from beginners to professionals!
training camp
Our triathlon camps offer you exactly the training that will get you ahead - swimming, cycling, running for every ability level! Experience professional support and benefit from the unique training camp atmosphere.
Performance diagnostics run
Determine training areas, train specifically! With the help of performance diagnostics, your individual training areas can be precisely determined in order to derive the most effective training units from them. Spiroergometry is the gold standard in sports science and is equally suitable for every level of performance: individual results and reliable training control from beginners to professionals!
running analysis
Run better, train more efficiently. n the context of our running analysis, we therefore consider the athlete as a whole: the biomechanical running technique analysis recognizes the need for action and potential for improvement in the course of the overall movement. The training analysis then specifically deals with your training methods in order to improve the quality of your training.
training camp
Our triathlon camps offer you exactly the training that will get you ahead - swimming, cycling, running for every ability level! Experience professional support and benefit from the unique training camp atmosphere.
Zuletzt angesehen
Richtig trainieren - Schwimmen | Radfahren | Laufen
Egal, ob Du für Deinen ersten Triathlon trainierst oder Du Deine beste Performance bei einem Ironman abrufen möchtest – die optimale Vorbereitung ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Dabei steht immer der Athlet im Mittelpunkt.
Individuell. Zielorientiert. Professionell.
Optimale Leistungsentwicklung dank ganzheitlicher Betrachtung: unsere Experten für Trainingswissenschaft, Leistungsdiagnostik und Biomechanik helfen Dir, Dein Potenzial zu entfalten.