Running shoe advice: foot strike & ground contact

The footrest when running is one of the most important criteria when buying running shoes. Above all, the so-called "initial contact", the first contact with the ground, plays an important role. You can find out here what influence this foot attachment should have on the choice of shoe.

show me how you walk

The shoe, as the link between the foot and the ground, is really challenged when you put your foot down with every step you take. The first contact with the ground is a core element in every running cycle and reveals which requirements the right shoes should meet in order to support the athlete's running technique in the best possible way. Thousands of steps are completed with every running unit - the better the shoe suits your running behavior, the more gently and efficiently you can run. It is precisely the different approaches to the cushioning and sole properties that contribute to the fact that running shoes absorb shock loads on impact exactly where they occur due to the first contact with the ground. On the other hand, they then support this individual walking behavior in the further roll-off and push-off process and thus contribute to a smooth overall movement.

In terms of foot attachment, runners fall into three categories:

heel runner

metatarsal runner

forefoot runner

The differences become visible in our video. What type of runner are you?

heel counter

    • first contact with the ground with the heel, then pronounced rolling movement
    • Running technique with the strongest point impact load
    • suitable: shoes with good cushioning properties in the rear foot
    • Categories: training shoe , stability shoe , support

midfoot attachment

    • first ground contact with the entire foot
    • increased muscular activation absorbs impact better
    • less rolling movement, shorter support phase
    • suitable: shoes moderate cushioning and drop
    • Categories: Training Shoe , Training Shoe Lightweight

forefoot attachment

    • first ground contact with the forefoot
    • high muscular pretension absorbs almost the entire impact (calf muscles!)
    • short contact with the ground, quick springy push-off
    • suitable: shoes with minimal cushioning and little drop
    • Categories: Training Shoe , Training Shoe Lightweight 

Foot strike also depends in part on pace and running dynamics. A calm or moderate pace often results in a more pronounced rolling behavior over the heel (e.g. during long endurance runs). The faster you run, the more the footrest should be shifted in the direction of the midfoot, since increased running speed can be implemented better and more fluently (e.g. intervals, endurance runs, competitions). It therefore makes sense to use different running shoes with different properties for the corresponding training sessions.

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