5 Trainingseinheiten für die Feiertage

The festival and holiday week is usually all about family and lots of good food. In order to "earn" the food and to put a line under the year 2021, here is our suggestion for the training for the last week of the year.

Easy endurance run (approx. 45-60min) + technique

  • 45-60 min LIT/GA1
  • at the beginning: 8 x (20m running ABC exercise + 30m dynamic start)
  • to the end: 4 x 100m increase runs

followed by 15 min stretching

Roller unit with 2x8x30/30 VO2max (approx. 1h)

  • Drive in 10 minutes
  • 3min GA2 (80% FTP), 2min SwSp (90% FTP), 1min SW (100% FTP)
  • 3min LIT/GA1
  • 8 x 30s HIT, 30s LIT/GA1
  • 15 min LIT/GA1
  • 8 x 30s HIT, 30s LIT/GA1
  • 15min LIT/GA1

Traction rope / athletics / stabilizer

pull rope:

3x 20 water catches , one-armed

3x 50 arm pulls in total , alternately

3x 30 pressure phase , both sides

Athletics / Stability:

3x 50 squats

Stability circuit training: 10 exercises in a 30-30 rhythm (30 sec load / 30 sec break)

1. Beetle - 2. Plank II - 3. Prone Arm/Leg Raises - 4. Row - 5. Superman

6. Plank VI - 7. Hip raise - 8. Freestyle swimming - 9. Prone arm circles

10. Wall sitting

5 min break, repeat series

followed by 15 min stretching / black roll

Swim training (1,600m - 2,800m, depending on the number of series/reps)

  • Swim 200-300m, all layers
  • 6x50m technique (25m changing technique + 25m Kr in total)
  • 3-6x100m (25m Kr legs + 75m Kr total 3 breathing), P 20s
  • 50m easily any
  • 3-6x100m medley, 25m change of medley Del/Rü/Br/Kr, P 30s
  • 50m easily any
  • 3-6x100m Kr change of pace (15m Kr Sprint max + 85m GA1/LIT), P 20s
  • Swim 100-200m easily

Long endurance run / long run

  • 80 - 100 min GA1 endurance run, basic pace, adapted to the terrain
  • 10-15 min stretch

Stay healthy and have fun training!

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