Christmas week and the turn of the year are just around the corner - mostly characterized by family and lots of good food. In order to "earn" the food and to put a line under the year 2022, here is our suggestion for the training for the last two weeks of the year.
Take part in our competition: What are your rituals or favorite training sessions at Christmas or at the turn of the year? More details at the end of the post.
19.12. Extensive endurance run + technique
- 45-60 min endurance run LIT/GA1
- at the beginning: 8x (20m running ABC exercise + 30m dynamic start)
- at the end: 4x 100m increase run
15-20 min stretch
20.12. Swimming training 2,000-3,200m (depending on performance level)
- Swim in 200-400m at will
- 8x 50m technique/legs (1st/3rd/5th/7th Kr technique, 2nd/4th/6th/8th Kr legs)
- 100m freely as you like
4-8x 50m change of pace (15m Kr sprint + 10m easy + 25m back GA1), rest 20s
100m easy - 4-6x 100m medley, change of 25s, rest 30s
100m freely as you like
Series: 100-200-300-400m
100: 25m GA2 + 75m GA1, P20s
200: 50m GA2 + 150m GA1. P 30s
300: 75m GA2 + 225m GA1, P 40s
400: 100m GA2 + 300m GA1 - swim out easily
21.12. Wheel: roller unit 3x8x30/30" (approx. 70 min)
- Drive in 10 minutes
- Ramp 3min GA2 (80% FTP), 2min SwSp (90% FTP), 1min SW (100% FTP)
- 3min LIT
- 8 x 30s HIT @120% FTP + 30s LIT @50% FTP
- 12min LIT/GA1
- 8 x 30s HIT @120% FTP + 30s LIT @50% FTP
- 12min LIT/GA1
- 8 x 30s HIT @120% FTP + 30s LIT @50% FTP
- 12 min LIT/GA1
22.12. Traction rope / athletics / stabilizer
pull rope:
3x 20 water catches , one-armed
3x 50 arm pulls in total , alternately
3x 30 pressure phase , both sides
Athletics / Stability:
3x 50 squats
Stability circuit training: 10 exercises in a 30-30 rhythm (30 sec load / 30 sec break)
1. Beetle - 2. Plank II - 3. Prone Arm/Leg Raises - 4. Row - 5. Superman
6. Plank VI - 7. Hip raise - 8. Freestyle swimming - 9. Prone arm circles
10. Wall sitting
5 min break, repeat series
followed by 15 min stretching / black roll
23.12. Swimming training 50x50 (scope depending on performance level)
- Swim 200m
6-10x 5x50m (each series 4x50 load with different focal points + 1x 50 loose)
1st series: technology, own focus
2nd series: breathing 3 / 4 / 5 / 6s
3rd series: Layered legs with Brett Del / Rü / Br / Kr
4th Series: Layered Arms with Pullkick Del / Rü Br / Kr
5th series: Tempo 15m Kr max (without breathing) + 35m Kr easy
6th series: Pull Buoy 4x50 Kr GA2
7th series: Paddles 4x50 GA2
8th series: Kr legs (fins)
9th series: 4x50 mini-layers each 12.5m each layer
10th series: 4x50 Kr with short breaks 5-10s - swim out easily
24.12. free
25.12. "Christmas Roast Destruction Run"
- 90-120 min easy endurance run in the individual GA1 area
followed by relaxation / stretching
26.12. Stability & Athletics
- 5x2 stability exercises (30s load, 30s break)
> 2x arms bend & stretch in prone position
> 2x trunk raises in prone position
- Strength/Athletics
> 2-3x 12 lunges / lunge with upper body rotation - each leg 3x12
> 2-3x 15 push-ups
> 2-3x 15 sit ups
> 2-3x 12 calf raises - each leg 2-3x12
27.12. pulley & pull rope
60-70 min Roll: Preload: 3x 30 squats, every 10th hold in a low position for 3 seconds
10 min drive in GA1
Cadence levels: every 1 min increase 90-100-110-120 rpm
5 minutes easy
Cadence levels: every 30s increase 110-120-130-140 rpm
45 mins @Fatmax
Pull rope (preferably separately, not sweaty directly afterwards)
2x 20 water catches , one-armed
1x 60 total arm pull , alternately
1x 60 total arm pull , both sides
1x 50 total arm strokes , alternately
1x 50 total arm pull , both sides
1x 40 total arm pull , alternately
1x 40 total arm pull , both sides
followed by 10 min stretching
28.12. Day off / relief
29.12. endurance & stability
- 50-60 min endurance run, upper GA1 range, with 5x 2 min threshold pace or slightly above, in between 2 min easy trot
- Stability: Any 4 exercises, each exercise 3 times in a row with a 1-minute break after each set
- followed by relaxation / stretching
30.12. Swimming training 2,000-3,500m (depending on performance level)
- Swim in 200-300m
- 2-4x 800m freestyle distance swimming GA1
then 10 - 15 min stretching
31.12. / 01.01. New Year's Eve or New Year's run 10-15km
- find a New Year's Eve or New Year's run in your region and let it rip!
What is your favorite workout for Christmas?
The closing date for comments is December 26th, 2022. The winners will be notified by e-mail to the e-mail address stored in the comment function.
Carolin Güldner
Ich trainier zwischen den Jahren ganz nach Gefühl, Lust und Laune. Mein Körper braucht in der Zeit die Ruhe und Völlerei. Deshalb mach ich nur leichten Ausgleichssport. Leichtes Radfahren (draußen!), Laufen und Stabi. So, dass alles im friedlichen Lot bleibt. Angriff ist dann wieder im Januar!
Das beste, was ich bislang gemacht habe, war die “Trainingstür”. Jedes Mal, wenn ich durch eine bestimmte Tür gegangen bin, habe ich sofort 5 enge Liegestütz gemacht.
So kamen an einem Tag mal 360 Stück zusammen.
Über die Feiertage gab das nen ordentlichen Trizeps.
Ansonsten ist der Klassiker der lange Dauerlauf. Perfekt, um der Völlerei mal für 1-2 Stunden zu entkommen
Ein ruhiger Dauerlauf … Das hilft beim Abschalten und Verdauen ;)
Danke für die tollen Trainingseinheiten.
Klappt nicht ganz, da zum einen sich die „Defekthexe“ (verhärtete Muskeln und langwierige Erkältung) grad mal vor zwei Wochen verabschiedet hat und wir bis 23.12. im Urlaub in den Bergen sind. Da ist die Disziplin Nr. 1 da Skifahren, aber abends geht mal ein Läufchen zum Muskeln lockern oder mal ein lockeres LL-Skating über fünf sechs km, Eure Athletikpläne funktionieren auch hier zum größten Teil. Also nochmals Danke dafür und ab 24.12. geht alles wieder zuhaus seinen „gewohnten“ Gang. Frohe Weihnachten für Euch und viele Grüße Uwe