Petition gegen geteilte IRONMAN WM: "Bring back Kona"

With the announcement that the IRONMAN World Championship would be divided into men and women and that the venue Hawaii would only be accessible for one of the two events, there was great unrest in the triathlon world. Against these plans there is now even a petition from athletes from all over the world to reverse this decision.

The petition "Bring back Ironman Kona yearly for both women and men" was launched on the world's largest petition platform shortly after it was published. The goal is to put pressure on the Ironman Group and its President and CEO Andrew Messick to reverse their decision and consider the aspirations of triathletes around the world and not just financial goals.

After just 48 hours, over 2,000 athletes signed this online petition. The more supporters such an entry has, the greater the likelihood that the topic will be picked up and shared by the media and social networks, thus further increasing the reach of the petition. It is not possible to say at what level a "critical mass" is reached in order to exert a noticeable pressure on decision-makers to act. But the mere fact that such a step was initiated by the triathlon base shows what a shock these plans on the part of IRONMAN caused for triathletes worldwide.


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andi eigl

andi eigl

ich würd auch sagen, einfach nicht hingehen, es ist schließlich der hawaii ironman und nicht der nizza ironman, wird sich zwar aufs gleiche rauskommen, aber das flair, die coolness und überhaupt geht halt in nizza a bisserl verloren



Wie immer kann der Kunde druckt ausüben. Wenn es kein Hawaii gibt, dann macht auch eine Qualifikation im Rahmen der Ironman Veranstaltungen wenig Sinn, zumindest für die, welche den Mythos Hawaii erlebeb wollen. Bleibt den Ironmans fern (hier werdet ihr eh nur geschröpft). Fehlende Einnahmen haben schon oft beim Denken geholfen.

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