Schwimmbad-Knigge: Vorsicht, bitte! So klappt das zusammen Schwimmen

Fortunately, swimming training can take place indoors again this fall. But you have to arrange yourself in the pool: there, competitive swimmers meet regular bathers, beginners meet advanced swimmers. You can find out how swimming remains a pleasant activity for everyone in our swimming pool etiquette.

Admittedly, it is usually anything but easy to keep calm in a crowded swimming pool. While in other nations all lanes are provided with lines, which in some places are even divided into swimming speeds, in our pools there is mostly more or less happy confusion. That's when it can get emotional. If the ambitious swimmer wants to go on the lady's lane, who regularly pulls her breast strokes there, there will be a collision.

First rule: mutual consideration

It is precisely in these situations that one should now and then simply move one lane further. Experienced swimmers know: The energy used here is better invested in training. Basically, however, the following applies: with a healthy amount of mutual consideration, you can train well even in a full bath. As long as everyone follows the rules of the game. So watch out!

Spoiled for choosing the right track

Even before training, it is important to assess your abilities well. As a breaststroker on a track with freestyle swimmers? As a professional on a lane full of recreational swimmers? If there is an alternative where the swimmers swim in the same style and at a similar pace, then this lane should also be chosen.

Around the circle to the right

Rarely are you lucky enough to be alone or in pairs on a track and not have to swim in the "roundabout". As soon as more than two swimmers occupy a lane, it is always necessary to swim at the extreme right edge of the lane. If everyone involved sticks to it, faster swimmers have enough space in the middle to overtake, even with oncoming traffic.

The overtaking process

If a swimmer wants to overtake in the middle of the lane, it is possible that he signals the overtaking process with a short tip on the sole of his foot. If you then continue to swim at your usual pace, the faster swimmer will have overtaken you shortly afterwards.

However, an overtaking maneuver should only be carried out if the speed really differs from that of the vehicle in front. Completely out of breath after overtaking, having to relax first only hinders the fellow swimmer. As a rule of thumb, overtaking should be completed before the turn. In this way nobody is hindered and there are no collisions.

Also interesting

And from!

It is also considered extremely impolite among swimmers to push off just before the turn of a faster swimming swimmer. It's better to follow the superior swimmer a few lengths behind than when he has to swim just past you.

Even if you swim your program according to departure times, the start should be adjusted a little on busy days. Swimming a few seconds earlier and a few seconds later never hurt anyone.

The turn

At the turning point, worlds collide. Conversing recreational swimmers, gasping workout plan followers, and those who want to use the turn as such. If, for whatever reason, you are taking a break from swimming, you should always make sure to keep a space free for the active swimmers at the turn.

The most popular swimming goggles

For indoor and open water


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